The enAble® X1 Power Wheelchair Control System is engineered for excellence in every detail. Not only does the X1 system perform beautifully, it offers the most comprehensive range of built-in features available:
– Include proprietary communication bus cables that lock securely in place, with latch and slide to protect from vibration and pull.
– The system program is stored in the primary module and backed up into the power base. The system recognizes which module is changed and ensures that the programming is transferred to the new module automatically, as long as the newly fitted power base has no prior programming.
– Econ-R™ is a remote connection platform using Apple or Android devices to connect to the wheelchair via Bluetooth, allowing technicians to diagnose faults and do basic programming from a remote Windows station.
– Allows positional feedback from Actuators to set smart seating and memory seating positions.
– The user/client can switch between multiple input devices on a chair e.g joystick, head control etc.
– Provides stability control and excellent driving characteristics when driving a front-wheel drive wheelchair.
– Programming does not require any hardware. Connection is done by Bluetooth. Security login through a cloud-based account
– Seating modules have built-in inclinometer functions so that the system always knows what angle the seating is at. Seating and driving conditions can be programmed for the individual based on this data.
– The newest way to charge the wheelchair. A magnetic charger port makes it easier for wheelchair users to connect up and remove their charger from the chair.
– A support tool for OEM production lines to allow swift programming of wheelchairs and allow the OEM flexibility on parameter access and to brand the product specifically to them.
– Ability to view the history of program changes on the chair, when they were changed and by which technician